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Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Woof, Kids!

Some of you hounds may recall a lively little blog I barked out a few dog-months (I will let you do the math, I hate it) ago, entitled, Cavalier King Charles Diva. No? Too bad, it was a pup, er, pip. Take my word for it.

Mostly, it was sniffing and snarling about heavenly creatures. Well, some of it was about arrogant people, places and things, but MOSTLY it was a tongue-in-cheek, diary of life, as seen through the expressive eyes of my Cavi. Great way to have a bit of fun, while not taking the blame for the bashing. Get it?

Well, big yawn, some peeps just do NOT get satire and were perplexed by my format. Whatever.

After almost 400 posts, I shifted into some other things and launched Barker Howl, which has been perking happily along for almost a year.

So, here I sit, facing 2011 and I decided to throw Barker Howl to the dogs. Oh, it remains, just the focus is shifting.

I don't know about your canine, but mine either sniffs or snarls (not really, I just needed to say that for effect) when she seems something interesting.

Now, I want you kids to do the same. Bark, howl, sniff or snarl about your dog, cat, fish, snake, bird, alligator, hamster, snail, lizard or Only, this time, I hope to hear from more of YOU.

Yes, I realize the beauty of blogs is how people pop in and secretly read them and then vanish into the Harry Potter, under that darned invisibility cloak. Which I want, btw!

Heads and tails up, kids, let's start barking, howling and sharing pet shenanigans. You game?

Bark 'r Howl

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