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Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Salud, Kids!


Still working my Facebook 'Like' page for Bark 'r Howl and have twelve loyal friends sitting there with me.

Also, still trying to get some discussions going.

Tina, thank YOU for jumping in.

Kids, after you've looked into that Scruffy Chops (more on that below and I KNOW you will want to Bing it) shampoo, get yourselves to my Facebook page, Bark 'r Howl, The Palm Beaches, and get to cussing, er, discussing stuff.

Tina, shown here with Teddy, started a very cool topic on dogs doing charity work at hospitals. Good idea or no? Chime in.


I have been looking into some new natural dog products for the Cavi-Girl. Shampoo being one.

So, I found one from the UK called, Scruffy Chops that claims to have Dead Sea minerals and what-have-you. I tell you, I love the sound of this stuff.

I don't know about you mutts, but my girl is constantly getting the stiff-ear. It is obvious, as you can see from the snap taken on the Pool Deck yesterday. Look closely.

Yep, the very tips of the glorious hair on her ears dip into everything and become quite stiff. It is a constant battle. Nice that she is good natured, but she gets annoyed with my combing through them and I get annoyed that I can't prevent the situation.

So, thinking of giving Scruff a whirl just to see how Dead Sea minerals will make those ears softer for the combing. But, what I am really thinking is how that stuff will work on human hair, you know?

Come on, don't be giving be the squint eye on that idea.

Listen, if they can market that Mane 'n Hoof (yes, I know it is not really called that, but I'm leaving it) horse shampoo for human use, why not Scruffy Chops for humans?

Note to self: Call the top-dogs at Scruffy Chops for a meeting.


SAD NOTE-A sweet friend in Texas lost her beloved dog, Stella, yesterday. Sending love and hugs.

See ya 'round the beaches!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking the time to discuss this. I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic. If possible, as you gain expertise, would you mind updating your blog with more information? It is extremely helpful for me. Thanks!
