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Friday, January 21, 2011


Salud, Kids!

While John Travolta and Kelly Preston are out there showing off there new ba-beh (baby), they also dropped the little tidbit about a couple of new mutts hanging 'round their dog pack.

Goldennoodles or Goldenpasta dogs or something like that.

Good for them and their new canines, blah, blah, blah.

Here's the REAL bit that leaped out and stunned me-they shipped those babies (the dogs) off for training and NOT just how to shake, sit and rollover. Training is imperative, but there is just something weird if you take it too far. Just sayin'. But, I'm no Cesar Milan, so let's just go with it.

Cast the squint-eye at your furry friend and silently ask yourself, "can my pet ring a bell when they need to get their sniff on and have a little PP break like the Travolta hounds?"

The Reg, the only dog in our pack, is not bell-literate. What sort of bell is used for this craziness? I mean we are talking the rich and famous.

I am telling you the word 'round the celebrity dog park is that ringing some sort of bell signaling the need to do doggie-biz is a MUST.

Come ON, circling, scratching and standing by the door doesn't work for famous dogs?

Well, okay, we accept this and simply adore new trends, so I grabbed a little crystal bell, in keeping with being all la-de-da, to try out with my Cavi-Girl. I think her look says it all.


Weekend-Eve is here and we don't need to ring a bell to get it started!

See ya 'round the beaches!
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  1. Cute!...Doggie Boarding School, wonder if it is abroad?
    ...Only the rich and famous...oops..gotta go, Teddy's ringing
    his bell ;-)
    Have a nice weekend!

  2. Ha, ha...well, I hope it's a FANCY one!!! Make it a good one over there!!
