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Thursday, January 13, 2011


Salud, Kids!
Sometimes a picture speaks volumes and there are just no words needed.

Um, this COULD be one of those times, but then again it is a blog, so words are a must.

Barrister-Buddy, Crookshanks (Crooks, to me) is the baddest (in a good way) and fattest (no explanation required) cat in all of Miami. You may be thinking that Bark 'r Howling me probably hasn't seen all the kitties in that area of the peninsula, and you would be right. You can't deny that this is a purring, tubby-tabby. Like, Garfield, he loves grub and we love him!! Nice arrangement.

Thanks, Brandon, for snapping this fabulous snap.

Amazing how creative one can be when it gets cold in Florida. I surprise even myself with my ingenuity. Shockingly brilliant.
Cold is relative and those cold-loving kids, Minnesota-Gretch and NYC-Nat, are bracing for and facing SERIOUS cold, so I try to keep it in perspective. However, it feels like the 30's in the Palm Beaches this morning and I've lost those zillion pairs of gloves I sported while hanging out in Ohio for a few years. Had a pair in every material, color and style. Yeah, I tend to go overboard, but that's another blog.

Back to the frigid-fingers...stuffed one hand into a pocket and utilized the doggie-goody-bag as a glove while holding the leash as the Cavi-Girl, Reggie, sniffed and stepped along considering her morning biz.

Did I mention the word brilliant? Worked like a charm. I recommend it and I may even go back to the Pool Deck and snatch a few extras to use while washing dishes. KIDDING! I don't 'do' dishes, I just put them on the floor and Reggie licks 'em clean. KIDDING!!

Oh, isn't that shade of green divine? Indeed!

See ya 'round the beaches!


  1. Hey there Reggie. The fat cat Crookshanks looks like this Boston when I lay on my back. 'Bongo Belly' is what my Aunt Carla calls me. What is a bongo anyway?
    You and your companion, Pamela, stay warm. Mommy makes sure she puts my coat on me before I go out. Of course, Texas cold is nothing compared to what Murphy is in

  2. Hey, there, Bitsy! Yeah, it's warming back up, so those plastic gloves may have to be ditched!! Yes, Murphy is pressing paws into serious cold and snow, but cold is relative, right? Thin blood in warmer climes...have a howlin' weekend you zany kids!!
