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Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Salud, Kids!

What should a Bark 'r Howl blogger do on a random, gorgeous, day in West Palm?

Walk the sweetest and cutest Cavi while observing and snapping snaps of the ridiculous.

First, the ridiculously cute-it's the Cavi getting her sniff on as we walk and gaze at perfection along Flagler. I loved the drawbridge in the background. She just loves the ground. See how it works out so perfectly on a perfect weather day? Yep.

Next, just for grins and howls let's look at this sign posted on a building. PET OWNERS THIS MEANS YOU. Here are the instructions you dolt, here are the bags you doggie-do bagless double dolt and here is the waste, not really. Tough. Go find your own doggie-do waste can. Off you go now.

Yeah, here ya go. Toss that crap into this dumpster. Go ahead and try. It's only ten feet tall, what's the ever-lovin' problem?

Saved the best for last.

This ridiculous sign in Trinity Park on Flagler was, obviously, drawn and ordered by a TRUE animal lover (hold on, I am TRYING to get my tongue dislodged from my cheek, but it's not working).

Um, when did it become naughty for a dog to do their biz on the grass in a park?

Okay, I forgot for a second. Dogs in the Palm Beaches don't do that sort of thing.

Yes, that's it.

See ya 'round the beaches.

1 comment:

  1. Howdy Reggie. Bitsy here with her opine. Grrrr to folks who think mutts don't do the doo. But it's the folks that don't PICK UP the doggie do that makes it tough on the ones who do.
    That's too much do for this Boston. We love the HOWL.
