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Monday, January 24, 2011


Salud, Kids!

Who wants to read a blog on Monday morning? Well, I hope someone will be focusing weekend-weary eyeballs here, but just in case, I dropped a couple of video clips. Don't worry, they are short and sweet. Okay, you be judge on the sweetness, but you have my word they are short.

Reggie, demonstrates her utter boredom with all things I bring into her world. She must endure, but she makes her feelings clear.

On the other hand, who can be bored waking up and looking at lovely water, so let the week begin.

I open it up with a calm and cloudy video.

See ya 'round the beaches!
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  1. Reggie looks like Bitsy when I get ready to snap her, "I don't like it but I'll do it". You can see that statement all over my Boston's face. I wish some of your rain would come west. Great videos. Love you guys.

  2. Well the Reg isn't the only one's a pretty sleepy Monday in Tampa too...though that will soon be changing...the Gasparilla pirates will be invading our fair city in 5 days!
    Have a great day!
    T & T

  3. Yes, they try to be sports when we test them with our antics, huh?

    It's not really raining. Just cloudy. We had some rain, but it ended and now it's cloudy, sunny, cloudy, sunny. South Florida needs more of it though.

    Tina!!! Gasparilla. Wow, now THAT is a PAR-TAY. I did have a video we did of the parade and other antics from our terrace on Bayshsore while living in Tampa. Street-level? INSANE!! Have fun and lift a glass (or two) for us. Guess the building will be locked down like 'Fort Knox'.
